The deep history of Loudoun County is rooted in its historic architecture. In the heart of the northern part of the county, Purcellville preserves the old and generates new experiences within its most historic buildings. Throughout the neighborhoods of the town and off of its “Main Street,” there are structures that date back hundreds of years. The importance of preserving the history in town and bringing new attractions, like shops or experiences, are exactly what Purcellville is about. Despite the commonly practiced modernization, businesses like Nichols Hardware and Sweet Rose Bakery breathe new life into historic establishments without diminishing the building’s historical integrity.

Nichols Hardware, located on North 21st Street, is a family owned business and the longest running store in Purcellville. Its high ceilings, tight oddly shaped aisles, and creaky floorboards bring a sense of familiarity and authenticity to a shopper’s experience. The store is still under the ownership of the Nichols family. One of the owners, Geoffry Nichols, provided a detailed look at how the store still incorporates the old while moving forward in the business world. “Nichols’s saying since our opening was ‘the most dependable source of supply,’ and despite the Ace hardware that opened in town, our goal is to provide everything. That is one of our little historical aspects that we keep,” said Nichols. While facing the difficulties of owning a business in a historic building, Nichols Hardware has been able to keep its past alive. “The store proper [sign] at the front of the store is the original facade,” Nichols explained. Nichols provides its customers an original experience while generating new memories for anyone who enters the hardware store.

Follow the scent of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods, and you will get to Sweet Rose Bakery on North 23rd Street. Co-owner Priscilla Martinez brings a new atmosphere to a once simple seed mill. “The weight of history is carried in the walls,” Martinez voiced. Despite the bakery’s less publicized former life, Martinez keeps its history alive with oral tradition. “One of my favorite ways to keep the history of the building alive is to talk about it with folks when they come in,” Martinez emphasized. With a lack of modern amenities, Martinez views the ‘difficulties’ more as considerations. The imprint history left on the old seed-mill still affects the building and business today, from the decor to “sharing walls and floors with neighbors,” Martinez says.
Bringing a breath of fresh air into a building without rupturing its history is a task that is full of hardship and patience. Various businesses spread across Loudoun experience the same struggles, from the lack of heating in the winter, to the expenses of repairs. The upkeep of these structures provides an insight into the profit of historical preservation. Some things don’t last forever, and there will continually be a need for repair. “It’s okay to fix it as needed,” Nichols vocalized. Loudoun’s history runs deep, and with the action of others, it is kept alive throughout Purcellville.