You Can’t Spell Funeral Without FUN!

On Monday, February 27, 2023, the Royal Court of Denmark (Ms. Sim’s sixth block AP Literature class) gathered to mourn the passing of Court Jester Yorick (portrayed by Charlie Fiorentino). They celebrated his life with riddles, music, jokes, and a eulogy- performed by Prince Hamlet (portrayed by Francis Arlington). 

Many rumors running through the kingdom claim Yorick presented himself as more of a parental figure to young Hamlet than his father, King Hamlet (portrayed by Jack Englund), and mother, Queen Gertrude (portrayed by Maeve Bauer). The alleged stories drove a divide between the king and jester. King Hamlet denied these rumors stating, “Untrue, I was a father to my son. I fathered my son.” King Hamlet claimed he celebrated after hearing the news of poor Yorick’s death and that his favorite trick that the jester ever performed was “dying.”

On the other hand, Prince Hamlet was very distraught by the passing of his favorite court jester, saying, “[it] really messed me up. I’m just a little guy. Yorick was my daddy figure.” He reminisced on the time that the two had together. Prince Hamlet said that if Yorick were here again, he’d probably just be laughing and wishing he could have one last piggyback ride. 

In a surprise twist, Yorick returned to answer questions at his funeral. He confirmed that there is n afterlife, and he is living happily in the grand big carnival in the sky.