Writing: How To Write

With writing, you have the freedom of being able to write whatever you want whether it’s a fictional story, a school newspaper article, or an online blog.  However, before you write you need to know some basics.

Data collected from Google Forms.
82. 8% of Woodgrove students said they liked writing.

Learning how to write can be hard, but don’t avoid planning because that could lead you to struggle with writing more. Using an outline  allows one  to think more creatively because you don’t have to spend a lot of time thinking about the process. 

Also, try developing your writing style. A writing style is made up of voice and tone. Your writing style is important. Try reading different genres and authors. Don’t limit yourself on one specific genre or author. Another thing is developing your vocabulary to find and emulate a writing style.

Sophomore Iza Piatkoski says, “Read and practice. Reading shows you what good writing looks like, expands your vocabulary, and inspires you… Practice is what allows you to refine your skills, and develop a certain voice in your writing. You can’t get better at anything without practice.”

Woodgrove English and elective teacher Tammy Pyle says, “In a lot of cases, students have been told that they aren’t good at writing, so they do not enjoy working on writing. Lots of encouragement can produce great writing from people who didn’t think they could write!”

To anyone who’s struggling  with creative block, it will decrease. Writing constantly opens the horizons,  allowing one to write different genres.  Consistency is another key for successful writing. Sit down and start writing.

It also can be a tool to blow off some steam. Either way, the consistency of writing can keep you creating something even when they might not feel like it.

“Just keep writing!” advises Ms. Pyle to students.