The House on Allder School Road

Everyone’s seen that house on Allder School Road. The massive one with the lion statues, giant marble slab with Chinese writing, and the green flood lights at night. But before now, not many people knew who the owner was or why they needed such a large home. Some thought it was a Buddhist temple, others thought it was a hotel.

Little knowledge into the context of such a residential landmark is available publicly. However, investigation shows the property is named Grass Roots Farm and is owned by 71 year old George Tsui. The property features a massive house in the front, and a 133 acre farm in the back. Several Loudoun County residents visited the property during an open house. “The princess suite is bigger than most apartments,” claims Ms. Galloway. The house to the right of it is also believed to be owned by Tsui’s sister. In the front yard of the house is a giant marble slab with Chinese writing on it. It is speculated that the sign out front is the Tsui’s name in Chinese. 

The farmland is used to grow giant spring onions, garlic sprouts, leeks, and Napa cabbage for Tsui’s Chinese restaurant, The Peking Gourmet Inn in Falls Church, Virginia. The renowned restaurant has been visited by former frequent customer President George H.W. Bush. Bush even had his own private table surrounded by bulletproof glass. Many celebrities have also visited the restaurant, leading the Gourmet Inn to dedicate their walls to be covered in photos of their famous guests posing with the owner.

With the mystery unraveled, the people of Purcellville can rest easy satisfied that they now know who lives in the House on Allder School Road, and that the soil is being used to season our former President’s favorite dishes.